About Me

Hi! I’m Selene. In 2020, I had never even thought about picking up a power tool or doing home renovations of any kind until my husband brought home an old chair that he found in bulk pickup. He thought it had a nice shape and that I might like to reupholster it. He was right! I took it apart, sanded it, repainted it and reupholstered it, added upholstery tacks and it proudly sits in our bedroom to this day. I like to say that this was the chair that started it all.

The Chair Before & After

A few months later, my father-in-law offered to come visit and help us renovate our master bathroom. During that process, I learned a ton! He showed me how to use a tile saw and I proceeded to cut all of the tiles! This was the second catalyst that really gave us the confidence to take on projects of our own. I’ve always been creative and artistic and have done quite a bit of painting, but never anything involving power tools until the bathroom reno. Fast forward to now, I’ve obtained quite the tool collection and have dozens of projects under my belt!

A bit more about me. I’m a self-taught DIYer and content creator. I grew up in Northern California and now live in sunny South Florida! I was a college volleyball athlete and semi-professional beach volleyball player back in the day. If I’m not covered in paint or sawdust, I’m probably at the beach playing volleyball.

I love volleyball!

I love CrossFit. I owned a couple CrossFit gyms and have coached for a long time and still workout as much as possible. I’m a nutrition fanatic and am obsessed with anything diet and exercise. I’ve tinkered with my diet quite a bit over the years and have finally settled on Keto and Intermittent Fasting as what works best for my body at this point in my life.

I love CrossFit!

I’ve always had an artistic and creative side. I love making things, crafting, drawing, painting, calligraphy, and all kinds of DIY. Ever since the pandemic, my creative outlet has been working on our house in Florida. It’s been fun and rewarding learning new skills and tackling some big projects. Sometimes my husband even helps out!

We also have two of the cutest wiener dogs you’ve ever seen, Arrow and Zero.

Arrow & Zero

Let’s build something together.